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Here you can read all about our style, which includes everything from our graphic identity to how we work with images.

Brand images

The images that we produce and use to sell our name and portray our brand with, are one of the absolutely most important tools that we can use, in order to attract new lovers of our brand. They need to speak the language we want to speak. They need to showcase the attitude, heart and persona that we want to attract. It is also one of the most difficult areas to narrow down and to create a unified direction in, because there is always room for interpretation, let alone there is always practical factors to consider. However, in order to create both alignment and inspiration within this area, we have gathered our guidelines in the four categories below. And if you struggle whenever you need to produce images that need to speak the Johnells language – look at the collected impression you get from all the mockups you see on this site. Try to see their similarities, and see what you think is unifying for them. And when in doubt – you can always return to our Message, and see if the material you are producing feels in line with the brand values, purpose and persona.

Soft lighting


Good energy





Casual posing

Close perspective




Close and casual


Lighting and shadows

Interesting angle

Social media





The Johnells logotype has been around for a long time. Although it looks a bit different now, than it did back in 1893, the meaning of it has remained the same. It is an image of letters that tells a story of expertise. It tells us where we came from. Our heritage. And our heritage is something that we are proud of – something that we need to embrace and remember, when our confidence is lacking or when we are being challenged. It gives us relevance. It gives us strength. But as every logo needs to not only follow time, but also lead the way, it’s now time to change a tiny, but important piece of it. 


The 1893-part of the logo has done its job, and we have outgrown it. This “mark of approval” or symbol of status and certification can nowadays all be collected in a discrete symbol. Which breathes new life and strength into the word JOHNELLS. The trademark symbol “R” will now carry the heavy load that 1893 has done brilliantly for so many years, and in the “R” lies besides our heritage also our vision forward. 


Here we display a few of the possible ways to color and display the Johnells logo. Always use the primary color palette – but feel free to break it up with the secondary signal-color palette when needed. For campaigns, invitations, special events, etcetera. Our logo is strong enough to withstand such alterations. 


The logo needs a minimum distance from its surrounding texts or images so that it can retain its character and not be confused with other elements. We use the Trademark symbol and its distance between the S as a proportionate measure to determine the minimum border. We are bold in the usage of the logo – big is great. The logo can be placed as well centered as left-handed or right-handed, depending on the channel and media. Thanks to its asymmetrical shape and the lack of symbols it can be placed in a variety of ways.


Our Payoff can be presented in a number of ways – as a standalone message or together with our logo. It can be split up in one, two or three rows, aligned left or right. But the ground rule is to always spell it out in capital letters, and only use the Roman weight of the Neue Haas Grotesk typeface family. Primarily present it in black on a lighter background. Those are the rules that will keep our message intact.


In order to create inspiring communication that eats, breathes and talks fashion, we concluded that a bold move regarding our typographical language had to be done. Sure, Futura is one of the world's most well-known typeface families and has a long history and a lot of character to it. 


But it is no longer for us. We have outgrown it, become better than it. Thank you, sayonara and good bye. The geometric and strict shapes have become too claustrophobic and cannot bring us the sensation and weight of the emotion-filled message we need to attract our audience. Now and future. 


Therefore we will now speak with another of the world's most well-used typefaces – and rightfully so. It is one of great character, versatility, and strength. But also filled with humanity, ease, and most and foremost, readability.


Some might look at it and say “Hey, it's just Helvetica” but no – it is even better actually. We work with:

Neue Haas Grotesk Display.

But in order to keep the typographical language strong and unified, there are a few clear set rules to follow. Always use Metrics spacing – this displays the typeface the way it was intended. Never use Optical spacing, as it will discard all character-specific information embedded in the typeface and try to guess the best kerning of each and every character. When it comes to kerning – if you need to adjust the spacing manually for any occasion, do not go further than 10 steps as it will break the character of the typeface. Always use a moderate line spacing but keep it airy with readability and function in mind, before looks. Check out our design examples under Behaviour for reference.

– Helveticas cooler predecessor. And we speak in big bold capital letters. For the most part. This is something that is meant to reflect our confidence, our pride, and know-how.


Depicted here are the weights in the family that we work with, and how it behaves in different contexts. And be prepared, there will be times where you won't be able to work with Neue Haas Grotesk, and on those special occasions, we work with the corresponding weight from the Helvetica Neue family. If that is not possible, and you have nowhere else to go, maybe you are working in Powerpoint on a PC – Then we use Arial.


When it comes to graphics, we use what we got and don’t design for decoration. We design with purpose and meaning, always striving to elevate our message and position through powerful dispositions and artistry. We paint with our logo, turning it into a repetitive pattern that lifts its characteristics and enhances its shapes and details. An abstract imagery that speaks fashion and screams of confidence and boldness.


This tool can be used in a variety of ways and works with color combinations from both the primary and secondary palette, and can be combined with campaign images or stand alone as a background for both printed and digital purposes. 

Primary patterns 


We would like to introduce a new fine-tuned library of icons, where we interpret our new set of values and design guidelines into the small but ever present symbols, who are becoming increasingly valuable and always in close contact with the audience. They keep important functions on site and should be carefully considered, regarding the way they behave and what signals they send to us.


The icons of our profile are sharp. They have a strong appearance with a direct tone, showing only the essential shapes needed to understand the usage and situation they exist to carry. They are light in weight and always set in sharp contrast to their background.


When producing images that are meant to be used as hero images or on larger canvases, try to consider images featuring models or the point of interest at the center of the image. This will make it more scalable and work best for different screen sizes. This is also a great place for drama – try to make the most of the context and large area, and make place for grand perspectives and cool compositions.


What makes a model a Johnells-model has always been a hot topic. We have found a few key elements that we think are relevant in order to create good alignment in our models' visual language and style. One thing that we think is relevant to consider here, is to have a look at what we say about our do’s and dont’s, under Message, and try to translate them into the person behind the model.


Studio photography can mean a lot of different things. What we would like to lift as central when shooting studio images, is to consider the values we highlight in our manifesto. Do something that excites you. Do something that breathes confidence – you got this. Bring out the true characteristics of the model or item, and don’t do the conventional. Try to get closer, and embrace the true colors and shadows of what is depicted.

Social media

The social media feed should feel dynamic and aesthetically playful. Work with accessories and props as long as it raises the value of the product or model. Try not to overwork the feed with graphics, and let the images shine for themselves.


Hey! A blank space. How intriguing. This is actually for you – a space left open where you can collect all your future iterations, units and special things you have discovered or created when using the brand new Johnells identity. Think of it as a moodboard if you will, or a place to go where you feel lost, need direction or perspective.


Our new fresh color palette is divided into two: The Primary and the Secondary. The Primary palette is the one that we always grab first – when painting our message and constructing the brand's top-level communication. It is sprung from our golden history but transformed into a light, fashionable contemporary color world where we are allowed to go bold, sharp, and modern black with the logotype and give ourselves more of both edge and softness – in the right direction.


But we need more tools. To be able to act funny weird quirky old new bright shine scream. We are fashion and in that sense, we need to contain all of the above. We need our space. We need our freedom and at the right time and in the right way – we’ve got you a bigger palette to paint your message with. These tones are carefully selected according to usage and to match the Johnells offer and platform. For every tone, you will find a place. Bright red. Soft pink for summer. Bright blue for cool techy Black weekend. And so forth. We have lifted these tools and given the examples necessary for you to create wonders. Now let's do something fantastic.

Here we display a few of the possible ways to color and display the Johnells logo. Always use the primary color palette – but feel free to break it up with the secondary signal-color palette when needed. For campaigns, invitations, special events, etcetera. We firmly believe that our identity is strong enough to withstand these types of iterations, without breaking apart the foundation of its visual guidelines.

C:1  M:2  Y:6  K :0

R:253  G:249  B:243


C:91  M:79  Y:62  K:97 

R:0  G:0  B:0

HEX #000000


C:0  M:0  Y:0  K:0 

R:255  G:255  B:255


C:14  M.20  Y:26  K:1 

R:222  G:205  B:189


PMS 481 C

C :4 M:13  Y:17  K:0 

R:245  G:226  B:212


PMS 4755 C

C:7  M:4  Y:17  K:0 

R:242  G:139  B:220


PMS 7527 C

C:5  M:0  Y:88  K:0 

R:253  G:234  B:20


PMS Process Yellow C

C:2  M:98  Y:96  K:0 

R:225  G:17  B:23

HEX #E11117

PMS 485 C

C:94  M:76  Y:2  K:0 

R:42  G:72  B:152

HEX #2A4898

PMS 2728 C

C:2  M:10  Y:9  K:0 

R:249  G:235  B:230


PMS 705 C

C:0  M:27  Y:5 K:0 

R:248  G:205  B:218


PMS 699 C

C:0  M:70  Y:34  K:0 

R:236  G:106  B:125


PMS 191 C

C:21  M:0  Y:18  K:0 

R:213  G:233  B:219


PMS 628 C

C:42  M:1  Y:24  K:0 

R:160  G:211  B:204


PMS 630 C

C:83  M:31  Y:43  K:18 

R:17  G:118  B:125

HEX #11767D

PMS 7706 C

C:9  M:0  Y:61  K:0 

R:248  G:255  B:127


PMS 113 C

C:2  M:61  Y:51  K:0 

R:236  G:128  B:112

HEX #EC8070

PMS 486 C

C:36  M:0  Y:49  K:0 

R:180  G:222  B:157


PMS 7486 C

C:50 M:30 Y:28 K:8

R:136 G:154 B:164

HEX #889AA4

PMS 5425 C

C:76 M:58 Y:34 K:21

R:73 G:90 B:117

HEX #495A75

PMS 653 C

C:71 M:45 Y:56 K:44

R:64 G:85 B:79

HEX #40554f

PMS 567 C

C:29 M:41 Y:47 K:18

R:168 G:137 B:118

HEX #A88976

PMS 4735 C

C:33 M:63 Y:73 K:37

R:133 G:82 B:56

HEX #855238

PMS 464 C

C:38 M:76 Y:59 K:54

R:101 G:51 B:52

HEX #653334

PMS 504 C

When it comes to graphics, we use what we got and don’t design for decoration. We design with purpose and meaning, always striving to elevate our message and position through powerful dispositions and artistry. We paint with our logo, turning it into a repetitive pattern that lifts its characteristics and enhances its shapes and details. An abstract imagery that speaks fashion and screams of confidence and boldness.


But – just as the case is with our colors, there will be times where we need to take a step in a new direction, where we need new shapes and interesting visuals to capture attention, and make our message shine brighter. Therefore we have carefully designed a set of secondary patterns. Patterns that speak of trend, fashion, lightness and of artistry, that plays very well composed together with our language, our style, our typography and overall message. But remember – these patterns are secondary. Treat them with care, and use only when necessary. They should not carry the primary image of the brand. But instead they should be applied in cases such as the following:





Special offers


These are all graphics that you as designers, communicators, content creators, need to give space and relevance and find the right place for.

Secondary patterns

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